Nirnaya has a MS in Biostatistics from the University of Washington and a PhD in Physics from Northwestern University. He also completed post-doctoral research work at Brown University and California Institute of Technology.
He has worked on a diverse range of statistical consulting projects and joined The Mountain-Whisper-Light in 2019, where he participates as a key statistician with most clients. Included in Nirnaya’s previous projectlist are:
- A machine learning model for predicting hypertension during surgery
- A study of racial bias in Illinois traffic and pedestrian stops
- A project with six pharmaceutical firms to efficiently determine treatment efficacy
- State-of-the-art statistical modeling for a dietary intake study
- Development of forensically defensible breath-alcohol measurement methodology
Additionally, Nirnaya has contributed to multiple peer-reviewed journals.
He has a strong interest in the emerging field of data science and is leading the company’s expansion in this area. He is also highly experienced in using online platforms for government contracting (Govwin, ExGovOpps, and PTAC).
Outside of work, Nirnaya enjoys translating poetry, playing guitar and recreational running.